city has the largest area of experience and the final limits on sense of
belonging and space. The person who lives the city lives all the
experiences he has developed in the sense of belonging, spread out from the
room to out, living in the city boundaries. Because the city becomes a
universe of man, a place in which a person is freed and beyond which most often
do not imagine experientially.
interior in particular, across which an individual bedroom, opening to the
outside world swings, outdoor, urban atmosphere. with the context of crowded
and multi-cultural nature, city life offers us a world.
Spaces of City, Borders and
with a multi-layered, cosmopolitan structure represent a fast-flowing life in a
metaphorically dense and crowded space. The fast flowing time, the
flow of things around us, the rapid flow of events and the changes and
transformations that flow brings. However, we are not aware of this because we
are part of the flow between spaces. However, as our living spaces begin to
consist of stereotyped spaces with narrow boundaries, we turn on a certain
line. We
move around the small route in city life, which is almost our entire world.
speed and flow of the city doesn’t not allow any more. The
city images that I deformed by bringing them together are a reflection of this.
Because the sharpness disappears within this stream, there are only snapshots.
Flux 1, 2018, mixed technic
Flux 2, 2018, mixed technic
Flux 3, 2018, mixed technic
Flux 4, 2018, mixed technic
Flux 5, 2018, mixed technic
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